Do you have a question about Reiki healing? Take a look through the Reiki FAQs below to find the answer you are looking for.

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, then please get in touch.

The most important thing to remember about Reiki, is that the experience will always be completely unique to you. And any experiences you may have will always be in alignment with your highest good, at a pace that you are ready for.

It is not uncommon to feel some nervousness and to have a lot of questions just before your first Reiki treatment, I felt those same nerves when I was beginning my own healing journey. Before we begin I will answer any questions you may have, and do what I can to ensure you are feeling comfortable. It is also great that you have found this Reiki FAQs page, as you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions below.

Thank you for taking the time to look through the website.

We are alive and having this experience due to the vital life force energy running through us, this energy flows through meridians (energy channels), chakras (energy centres) and the aura (energy field), and is responsible for supporting all life. When flowing as it should, this energy nourishes all cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. However, when there is a disruption in this 'vital life force' energy flow, the physical body may experience dis-ease and diminished function.

There are various influences (including the way we feel and think about ourselves) which can have a disruptive effect on the natural flow of life force energy. And if this disruption lasts for long enough, it can become so dense that it is able to manifest on a physical level, in the area that is most starved of vital life force. Acting like a signal for us to make changes in order to align with health and balance.

Reiki assists with healing these imbalances by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field, and charging it with positive (high frequency) energy. This raises the frequency of the energy field and causes the negative (or dense) thoughts and emotions to 'break apart' and fall away. The clearing away of negative energy from the energy field allows the vital life-force energy pathways (meridians and chakras) to heal, and for the energy to once again flow in a natural and healthy way.

Reiki is holistic, meaning it works on balancing, healing and harmonising the whole person, body, mind, emotion and spirit, by stimulating our natural ability to heal ourselves. It always flows in alignment with our highest good, and does not require egoic guidance. It works on the understanding that when the body is energised, it detoxifies. Therefore promoting natural healing in the recipient.

Following a treatment a client may find they have a new clarity of thought, which allows them to identify a root belief which has been affecting the way they feel and think about themselves. This is an opportunity for deep healing to take place with lasting change. Once we identify a negative belief, and flood it with enough compassion, love, forgiveness and understanding that it no longer makes sense, it is released. Once a belief no longer makes sense, you will not hold onto it.

Before your first treatment we will have a chat about your specific needs, or any areas of concern, and you will have time to ask any questions. If you have already booked, or plan to have several treatments, we can identify a goal that you would like to work towards, for example to increase self-esteem. Before the treatment you will be asked to sign a consent form, and any areas of concern or worry can be discussed. Anything discussed during your appointment will be confidential, and all records stored in alignment with current GDPR laws.

During the treatment you remain fully clothed, and you can either sit or lie down. Reiki can be performed either hands on or off the body and this will be discussed before signing the consent form. I will place my hands on or just above each chakra, working down one side of the body and then the other. A full treatment will last approx an hour, with some time before and after for any questions and to discuss/ integrate your experience.

Each persons experience of Reiki is unique. However, there are some commonly reported experiences which may include:

  • Feeling heat or cold from the practitioners hands.
  • A 'tingling' sensation.
  • Visualisations (Seeing colours, lights).
  • Deep feelings of peace and relaxation.
  • Clarity of thought.

Whether you experience none, one or all of the above experiences, the energy has gone to where it needs to go to begin restoring balance and promoting natural healing. Sometimes a treatment can physically feel very subtle, depending on the 'level' of healing that Reiki is working on in that moment. There is no right way to experience Reiki. And we are ultimately better off by standing aside and letting go of any expectations or hopes for a particular outcome. Reiki knows best, and will always promote healing in a natural and loving way for the recipient.

Reiki is unique for every individual. And therefore, the best way to understand how it works, is to experience it. 


After a treatment, there will be some time for you to discuss, and therefor begin integrating your experience of Reiki. There is no right or wrong way to feel after a treatment, however some commonly reported experiences include:

  • Feeling thirsty.
  • Increased frequency of urination.
  • A need to sleep or rest (better quality sleep).
  • A sense of calm, relaxation and mental clarity.
  • Increased focus.
  • Higher levels of energy.

The first three points on this list are seen as positive indications that the body is 'detoxing', and therefore attempting to return to a state of balance and health. Other detoxification symptoms can also occur after a treatment, and may be experienced as a very brief and mild cold, headache and/or temporary increase in existing symptoms. Please note that you may sometimes see these symptoms referred to as a 'healing crisis' or detoxification period. If you are ever concerned about anything you experience immediately (or in the days) following a Reiki treatment, please get in touch with your Reiki Practitioner for support and guidance.

There is no set amount of treatments, someone may benefit from as little as one session or even continue to have them regularly (such as weekly or monthly). I would recommend a minimum of 3-4 treatments to ensure you have time to reflect on, integrate and evaluate the benefits you are receiving. But this is still very dependent on unique factors for each individual client, and is something which should be discussed with your Reiki practitioner.

There are times when I may suggest a client learns Reiki for themselves, so they are able to complete daily self treatments in support of their healing journey.


you can head over to to find out more.


Reiki is a wonderful complimentary healing system which can be used alongside other forms of healing and medical treatment. And many healthcare professionals accept Reiki as a complementary therapy which may help lower stress, promote relaxation and reduce pain. However, it is not to be considered a 'cure' or way to avoid other treatment with a trained medical professional.

If you have an ongoing condition for which you are under the care of a medical professional, it would be wise to let them know you are receiving Reiki, and to continue monitoring your treatment plan with them to reflect any positive changes you may experience as a result of using Reiki.

No, Reiki is not a religion.

Reiki can be practiced and received by anyone, no matter their belief system. When working with Reiki we are working with the natural life force energy which flows through all things, it is unconditional love, free from dogma and non-discriminative.

Medicash provides health cash plans for individuals and businesses and recognises CNHC registration for reimbursement of the following Alternative Therapies: Reflexology, Bowen Therapy, Alexander Technique, Reiki, Hypnotherapy and for CNHC registered Massage Therapists who use Indian Head Massage. Medicash will cover 50% of the therapy cost up to the set limit per year, depending on the plan.

Please get in touch with Medicash to find out how to claim before making an appointment.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!